Presidents Article
Dear Colleagues,
I hope this latest edition of the MCA newsletter finds you doing well. I have been thinking of all of you in the last two months. I hope your entrepreneurial spirit is thriving and soaring high for helping and serving your patients and communities. During this time, we are experiencing how our profession can be a great source of inspiration during the COVID-19 pandemic. What has also been noticed in the state of Minnesota is how the Minnesota Chiropractic Association (MCA) has been a leader in getting timely information to the profession. The MCA has also been working hard with our lobbyist and state government to protect our right to practice (if you choose to) during the pandemic.
I have been at the forefront working on your behalf and couldn’t be any prouder of how the MCA has gained national attention for its’ work for Doctors of Chiropractic in Minnesota.
How did the MCA do this? First, the MCA was able to communicate with state leaders to specifically list Doctors of Chiropractic as essential workers. The MCA thought this was critical because we help keep patients away from emergency rooms and urgent care centers during this time. The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) did a great job of getting DCs on the list of essential workers at the federal level. This was important at both levels as we saw the Kentucky Board of Chiropractic Examiners and the state of California close chiropractic clinics. These could have easily been Chiropractic clinics in Minnesota. The MCA also performed a lot of work on whether massage can be performed in the Chiropractic clinic. During the first couple of weeks when things started shutting down in Minnesota this was a huge gray area. The MCA worked overtime communicating with state leaders and interested parties to get timely information out as soon as possible to Doctors of Chiropractic so that they can make informed decisions about their practice. Additionally, the MCA provided timely communication and resources to the profession regarding patient care, clinic sanitary and hygiene measures as well as various financial resources to help Chiropractic Clinics navigate through this time.
The MCA also debuted a new website. One of our top priorities was to make it as user friendly as possible. Check it out and click through the website. Please give us any feedback. We are very proud of how it turned out.
The MCA has continually been building our library of on demand webinars as well. New content is being added every month, so go browse often! Remember, as an MCA member you get 4 free CE’s a year. There is also an app for that - go to the Android or Apple store and search for ‘CE21 Mobile’ to take your continuing education with you while you're on the go!
The MCA now has subscription-based payment for your membership dues. This has been a challenge for various reasons since I have been on the MCA board. We are very excited to finally have this solution for our members and the organization. So, just like you pay for video streaming content (ie. Hulu or Netflix) your MCA membership is the same. If you haven’t updated your MCA profile yet to do this, go do it now so you can “set it and forget it!!!”
Again, I have not been prouder of how the MCA has been a leader for the profession in MN. Above all, it’s obvious to me when we come together as a profession and as an organization, we are not only strong… We are MCA strong.
Minnesota’s Reopening Updates
Review the MN Stay Safe Plan MCA COVID-19 Resource Page
Have you checked out the NEW website?
Your new MCA website launched earlier this month! This new platform is fully integrated with our Learning Management System, has a fresh new look, and includes a recurring membership payment feature to make it easy for members to renew each year.
What you need to know:
- Your member login username has changed to your email.
- To login go to and follow instructions to reset your password.
- Members and non-members have a profile on the MCA website.
- Please contact the MCA office if you need assistance with this process- E:; P: 651-288-3428
How to opt-in to recurring payments:
- To authorize your credit card for recurring payments, please access the Invoices & Payments area within your profile.
- This can be set-up now for your next Renewal Date.
- You will be notified prior to your card being charged.
Important Information for Monthly Payers:
If you are currently on a monthly payment cycle, or wish to opt-in to our automatic payment option, you will need to authorize your credit card on the new platform (see directions above). This will allow us to continue to receive your payments. After your one-time authorization, you will no longer need to manually renew, however, we will notify you as you approach the end of your annual membership.
If you would like to change your membership status, please contact the MCA office - E:; P: 651-288-3428.
We encourage you to review this How-to document for directions on how to get started.
MCA Webinar: What Do I Do Now!? Working with Patients who Experience Intense Mental Illness Symptoms
Thursday, June 04 |12:00pm - 1:00pm CDT
This seminar wial offer information regarding intense mental health symptoms and diagnoses that can pose difficulty in providing treatment to patients. It will describe various effective ways of de-escalating situations when mental health symptoms might be getting in the way of effective communication. There will be time for discussion and ideas given for real-life examples in order to walk away with action ideas.
MCA Webinar: How to Get Patients Back to Your Practice & Paying for Your Care
Thursday, June 18 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm CDT
Dr. Wagner will teach you ways to reactivate patients after Corona isolation to help you get back to full capacity. He will also show you expert protocols for recommending your care to new patients, especially when insurance doesn't cover. You'll learn tools and strategies that will help you help more people and get paid well for the incredible service you deliver your entire career. Don't miss this info-packed, immediately actionable webinar with us!
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In this Issue
Presidents Article
Minnesota’s Reopening Updates
Have you checked out the NEW website?
MCA Webinar: What Do I Do Now!? Working with Patients who Experience Intense Mental Illness Symptoms
MCA Webinar: How to Get Patients Back to Your Practice & Paying for Your Care
Upcoming Events
June 4
What Do I Do Now!? Working with Patients who Experience Intense Mental Illness Symptoms
June 18
How to Get Patients Back to Your Practice & Paying for Your Care