Volunteerism: A Member Benefit
Dr. Vincent Pankonin, MCA President
Greetings from the MCA Board of Directors! As we head into Spring we think of change, all things new, making new plans, etc. At the MCA we are also thinking of making new plans and starting some new challenges. One of those new plans and challenges is engaging our members in volunteerism. The definition of volunteerism is:
Volunteerism is the practice of providing time and skills for the benefit of other people and causes rather than for financial benefit.
We are focusing on informing our members of the benefits of membership in the Minnesota Chiropractic Association. As a member, you have the opportunity to join any committee that holds your interest. Volunteering on an MCA committee allows you to "benefit" from your chosen profession in a different way (not financially) by sharing your skills and interests to your profession through your state Association. There can be great reward in offering your time and talent when it benefits your community (Chiropractic Profession).
Volunteering on an MCA committee can look like and be many different things. Maybe you have a real passion for marketing. You would fit well on our membership services committee. Maybe you have talent in written or digital communication. You would be a great fit on our communications and marketing committee. Maybe you have interest in education or in event planning. The education and events committee could use your talent. Whatever your interests and talents, there is likely an MCA committee that's right for you.
The time commitment is minimal (1 meeting per month that lasts an hour and a couple hours per month on committee assignments). The more people we have involved on a committee allows for greater flexibility in your schedule in the event you have a month where you are unable to attend a committee meeting without negatively impacting the committee. Another bonus is that committee meetings are generally held on Zoom so you never need to leave your office and can return to patient care when the meeting is over.
You may decide after being involved that you would like to take on more responsibility as a committee chair and become part of the leadership in your state Association. Who knows, you may find that you truly have a passion for leadership in your state Association and can do your part to assist in making the MCA a valuable asset to the chiropractic profession in Minnesota.
Standing committees that could use your help:
- Communications and marketing
- Membership services
- Education and events
- Insurance and reimbursement
- Legislative
- Veterans Affairs
- MCPAC-political action committee
- Sports Council
- Pediatric Council
If any of these committees pique your interest, please contact the MCA and get some more information, talk to a committee chair or ask to have meeting information sent to you so you could "try out a meeting" before making a decision. All of our committee meetings are open to the membership.
Thank you for your consideration.
Virtual Convention Survey – Response Requested!
The MCA Education Committee is dedicated to bringing members excellent continuing education throughout the year. We are considering a Virtual Convention and would like to hear from you! We deeply appreciate you taking 3 minutes out of your day to take this pulse survey! The survey will close on Thursday, April 8. We hope to hear from you!
Legislative Update – Maintaining Momentum during the 2021 Session
Dr. Chuck Sawyer, MCA Professional Officer for Legislative Affairs
When the Minnesota Legislature convened in early January, much of the work of lawmakers began virtually and the use of Zoom for meetings became the new normal. There was an initial expectation that the volume of legislation introduced would be far lower than in previous years and the forecast for a substantial state budget deficit loomed large in the background. However now, despite a closed-to-the-public capitol and the absence of large group rallies and lobby days, the pace has become somewhat more typical, and the economic outlook is much improved.
As with most other organizations, the legislative advocacy efforts of the Minnesota Chiropractic Association have adapted to the realities of a global pandemic, but MCA members should be assured that Mr. Kevin Goodno's government relations team at Fredrikson & Byron has been actively working on behalf of the chiropractic profession.
As for the priorities of the MCA during the 2021 session, we continue to be focused on securing additional co-authors for two House bills. HF 477 reintroduced by Rep. Erin Koegel seeks to modify and expand coverage for chiropractic services in the Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare public insurance programs, and HF 319, introduced by Rep. Jordan Rasmusson, includes the use of telemedicine services by chiropractic doctors and reorganizes the animal chiropractic sections in our practice act.
There are two additional measures advancing through the committee process of potential benefit to the profession. Senator Jim Abeler is a co-author on legislation mandating insurance coverage for acupuncture services (SF 1058) and he is the lead author on a second bill (SF 753) establishing requirements for timely provider credentialing by health plan companies.
So, how can you help? In February, over 50 doctors participated in one of three legislative briefing sessions. They were encouraged to contact House and Senate members, from their voting districts, to schedule a brief phone call or Zoom meeting to discuss the bills that are priorities for the association and to ask for their support by signing-on as co-authors. Take a few minutes to make those calls! The following links will help you locate your voting district and who represents you in the legislature:
- https://www.gis.leg.mn/iMaps/districts/
- https://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/members/list
- https://www.senate.mn/members/index.html
Finally, while it may seem that the next election is a long way off, the entire Minnesota Legislature will again be on the ballot in November of 2022 and we are focused on growing MCPAC. Please also take a minute to make either a one-time or recurring donation – in whatever amount you can afford – by going to: https://mca.ce21.com/donations/detail/mcpac-donation-12
Please contact me if you have any questions about the MCA's advocacy efforts or you want my help in contacting your representatives in the Minnesota Legislature.
Supporting Your Patients' Detoxification Pathways
Tyge Blomberg, OrthoMolecular Products
Dr. Carrie Getzmier, MCA Communications Committee Chair
Our patients are exposed to thousands of chemicals. The human body was not designed to process this level of toxicity. A 2004 study revealed 287 chemicals in infant cord blood, confirming a toxic burden from day one.
One way to support your patients and your practice is an annual (or spring & fall) Detox with the Docs.
OrthoMolecular Products' 7-day kit (Core Restore®) is simple, comprehensive and patients love it! For an added bonus to support detoxification, you can have patients add a scope of Indigo Greens (or Dynamic Fruits & Greens) to each shake.
The Core Restore® program is a strategic system designed to safely enhance and promote the primary pathways of detoxification in the liver. The Core Restore® Kit provides three active formulas – CORE Support, Alpha Base®, and PhytoCore – which function synergistically to support Phase I and Phase II pathways of liver detoxification to help neutralize environmental pollutants, hormone disruptors, unhealthy estrogen metabolites, xenoestrogens (synthetic compounds that imitate estrogen), and other harmful toxins. This powerful trio of specialized formulas provides essential micronutrients, phytonutrients, and a source of easily digested, low- allergen protein that purify the liver and fuel optimal biotransformation.
The Core Restore® Kit provides an easy-to-follow, seven or fourteen-day program available in chocolate or vanilla designed to reduce the incoming burden of toxins to restore optimal health. Support your patients today!
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In this Issue
Volunteerism: A Member Benefit
Virtual Convention Survey – Response Requested!
Legislative Update – Maintaining Momentum during the 2021 Session
Supporting your Patients Detoxification Pathways
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April 7
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April 8
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April 8 at 12:15 pm
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