President's Article
A new fiscal year has begun with new names and faces on the Minnesota Chiropractic Association Board of Directors. We welcome Dr. Jake Dalbec to the position of Second Vice President. Dr. Brian Malzer returns to the board as the Metro East District Director, and Dr. Gabe Wiener begins his first term as Northwest District Director. I would like to thank each of these doctors for stepping up to positions of leadership on behalf of the Minnesota Chiropractic Association.
2020 has become a year of change that none of us could have imagined! With the uncertainty that will follow the COVID-19 pandemic for practicing doctors throughout the state, the Board of Directors made a decision to evaluate the financial cost of membership and made a positive change of dues reduction and restructuring for all members of the MCA! Despite the obvious financial burden this would place on the Association, the Board of Directors boldly made the decision to reduce membership dues.
The MCA has long wanted to improve its communication to the membership and to enhance the value of membership. To accomplish this, we met with our association management company, Ewald Consulting, to make a strategic plan with measurable goals and outcomes to guide us through the next 6-12 months and beyond. We want the MCA to be a place where doctors can find the information they need regarding the business aspect of practice, clinical practice, post questions, learn about legislative agendas, discuss topics with doctors having similar interests and build camaraderie within the profession.
New features on the MCA website will be part of the answer to improved communication and membership value. The website will be a place for doctors to post questions like they currently do on the listserv, engage in discussion forums, learn about legislative advocacy along with the information you need to know regarding COVID-19, and any other important current topics. If you have not yet logged into the new website, please do so and add your financial information so that your membership dues can be billed automatically each year or month without us having to contact you. This will make it much easier than it has been in the past. It will also make it easy to sign up for continuing education webinars as your information is already there.
The MCA is here for all members! We want the MCA to be relevant to you as a practicing Doctor of Chiropractic in the state of Minnesota, so please give us feedback on what is important to you. We will send a survey regarding professional development to get your opinion.
Do you have a special interest or talent in communication or marketing? Membership services? Education and event planning? Business partnerships? The MCA has committees that need your talent! Most committees meet once per month in a Zoom meeting. If you can give the MCA an hour a month of your time in these areas, please contact the MCA for more information and get involved in a committee.
A lot has been accomplished in the past 2 months to make it easier to become an MCA member than at any time in recent memory (new dues structure, new website, rolling membership renewal). Thank you to everyone for being a member of your state Association! It is an important part of being a professional and having pride in the profession you have chosen. At our current level of membership, we are limited in our ability to make progress for the profession legislatively, to build business partnerships and to provide enhanced membership services. We could take on many battles if we had a robust membership willing to fight for their profession (insurance reimbursement, non-discrimination in Minnesota health care programs, etc.)
We all know another Doctor of Chiropractic in our town or neighborhood who is not a member of the MCA. My challenge to all of you is to contact and recruit one new member to the Minnesota Chiropractic Association!!! This would double our membership and get us on the road to making the MCA, and the Chiropractic Profession in Minnesota, a powerful voice capable making positive change for all doctors and their patients.
I am honored to serve as President of the Minnesota Chiropractic Association for the coming year. I look forward to meeting many of you in person (depending on COVID-19 regulations) in the coming year.
Yours in health,
Vincent Pankonin DC
President, Minnesota Chiropractic Association
Legislative Update: Looking Ahead to the 2021 Session
Dr. Chuck Sawyer
MCA Professional Officer for Legislative Affairs
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues unabated in the State of Minnesota and especially in many other states throughout the country, it’s not lost on me that MCA members might be far more focused on safely caring for patients than anticipating the next legislative session. At the risk of stating the obvious, we are living and working during an extraordinary and challenging time due to the public health and economic impact of a global pandemic combined with the societal unrest that followed the killing of George Floyd.
After final passage of the Alec Smith Insulin Affordability Act in late February, along with other legislation that included a bill dealing with prescription drug transparency, the agenda for the remainder of the 2020 legislative session was disrupted in midstream in March when lawmakers began working and meeting remotely. From there, until the regular session ended on May 17, the focus shifted to COVID-19 pandemic funding relief and during two recent special sessions the legislature considered measures focused on police reform.
As of now, in anticipation of the 2021 legislative session, we need to be mindful of the following:
- All 201 seats of the Minnesota House and Senate are on the ballot in November and, in addition to the 18 legislators who have announced they are not running for reelection, there could be many other new members coming in — from both political parties — and that presents an opportunity to cultivate new relationships and support for issues that affect chiropractic doctors and the patients we serve.
- Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the governor and a currently divided legislature are faced with a significant budget challenge. In May, the $1.5 billion surplus evaporated and now the projection is hovering around a $2.4 billion deficit. While the situation might improve, now that more Minnesotans are getting back to work, it could also get worse. What this means for health care funding, and specifically the Medical Assistance program, is unknown at this time, but the MCA’s legislative committee is preparing for a defensive strategy in the event that cuts are proposed for chiropractic services.
- Evidence of the value and cost advantages of the services provided by chiropractic doctors has never been better, and Northwestern Health Sciences University will continue to be an important partner in bringing convincing data and strong arguments to policy makers in the Minnesota legislature.
As just about everyone in the healthcare environment continues to adapt to a new normal, our issues and the legislative priorities of the Minnesota Chiropractic Association are and continue to be as important as ever. However, although it has been said many times, our advocacy efforts are dependent on the engagement of chiropractic doctors throughout the state pitching in to do what they can to advance our agenda.
Toward that end, watch for more information in the coming months as we get closer to the November election and the start of the 2021 legislative session. In meantime, please reach out to me with any questions you may have or ways in which you can become involved.
Stay safe and be assured that the MCA will continue to work hard on your behalf and the patients who need your help!
Don’t Forget to Login to Your NEW MCA Profile!
Important Information for Monthly Payers:
If you are currently on a monthly payment cycle and have not already done so, you need to login to authorize your credit card on the new platform (see directions below). This will allow us to continue to receive your payments. After your one-time authorization, you will no longer need to manually renew; however, we will notify you as you approach the end of your annual membership.
What you need to know:
- Your member login username has changed to your email.
- To login go to and follow instructions to reset your password.
- Members and non-members have a profile on the MCA website.
- Please contact the MCA office if you need assistance with this process. E:; P: 651-288-3428
How to opt-in to recurring payments:
- To authorize your credit card for recurring payments, please access the Invoices & Payments area within your profile.
- This can be set up now for your next Renewal Date.
- You will be notified prior to your card being charged.
We encourage you to review this How-to document for directions on how to get started.
2020 Sports Council VIRTUAL Concussion Summit
Saturday, August 1 | 8:00am - 5:00pm CDT
Approved for 9 CE Credits
The MCA Sports Council believes all chiropractors must be well versed in the best clinical management of concussions, whether you work with athletes or not. This summit will provide you the tools and knowledge to start helping your patients immediately. This training will encompass concussion assessment and management from the sports chiropractic, chiropractic neurology, athletic training, physical therapy, and sports psychology perspectives. Participants will be guided through the evaluation and management considerations of treating patients on the sideline and in the clinical setting. We will conclude with case studies that will bring all the information together in a patient presentation that discusses return-to-learn and return-to-play considerations.
MCA CPR Training
Saturday, August 8 | 9:00am - 2:00pm CDT
Approved for 4.5 CE Credits
This is a 2-year certification certification course of the American Heart Association (AHA). It includes cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for adults, children and infants, the use of automatic external defibrillation (AED), the use of bag-valve mask, choking and special resuscitation and cardiopulmonary emergencies. This course will train providers to respond to cardiac, respiratory and choking emergencies using basic life support skills and AED. Students receive the AHA – BLS for Health Care Providers Certification.
**Due to COVID-19 Regulations and room size, attendance is limited to 24 seats**
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In this Issue
President's Article
Legislative Update: Looking Ahead to the 2021 Session
Don’t Forget to Login to Your NEW MCA Profile!
2020 Sports Council VIRTUAL Concussion Summit
MCA CPR Training
Upcoming Events
August 1
2020 MCA Sports Council Virtual Concussion Summit