MCA Staff Updates
Please join the MCA Board of Directors in welcoming Lee Helgen as our new Executive Director. Helgen holds a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Hamline University. He has extensive non-profit and association management experience. Additionally, Helgen brings a wealth of public policy and government relations experience as a former Saint Paul City Council Member and former staff for the Minnesota Senate. Helgen is already making a positive difference working with the MCA leadership to advance our strategic priorities and improve cross-committee communications.
MCA offers its sincere thanks to Katie Wallstein for her dedicated work to keep MCA moving in a positive direction. Katie is still working for Ewald Consulting, and she will be assisting with a few MCA projects to help ensure a smooth transition.
The MCA Board of Directors extends its appreciation to the entire staff team at Ewald Consulting. Thank you for supporting MCA in achieving our strategic goals and strengthening the chiropractic profession in Minnesota.
How to Boost Visibility for Your Clinic in 2021
If you are a member of MCA, you are granted complimentary membership with the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP) through our enrollment in F4CP Group Membership.
The F4CP is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to raising public awareness about the value of chiropractic care through positive press. As an F4CP member, you are entitled to take advantage of its wonderful membership benefits, including:
- Monthly Newsletter & exclusive F4CP special alerts
- Access to live, educational webinars for DCs and CAs
- Print advertisements
- Positioning papers to help advocate for your practice
In addition, you receive a basic listing in the F4CP’s National Find-A-Doctor Directory, www.f4cp.org/findadoctor well as complimentary listings in the American Academy of Spine Physicians, WebMD and Vitals.com Doctor Directories.
With thousands of combined directory searches a month, and certainly more on the way with the F4CP’s Olympic commercial set to air in 2021, the first step in enhancing visibility for your practice is ensuring that your listing is up-to-date, accurate and all sections are fully populated with key information when patients try to search for a local doctor of chiropractic near them.
Step 1: Have you activated your F4CP account? If not, follow these steps:
- Go to www.f4cp.org/package/member/forgotpassword and enter the email address you provided to your State Association and click SUBMIT
- Go to your email account to retrieve the temporary password. Go back to the F4CP website and LOGIN on the top right with your email address and temporary password. If it does not work, type in manually. Do not copy the temporary password.
- Scroll down to PASSWORD – Click CHANGE and input temporary password and new password then click SUBMIT
Step 2: How to Update your F4CP Find-A-Doctor Directory Listing
- Login to your account using the email address you provided to your State Association and the password you set up
- Click on Update Profile
- Complete/edit your profile
- Click Save
To view your F4CP Find-A-Doctor Directory listing, visit: www.f4cp.org/package/doctorsearch
Now you are on the right path to inspiring more patients, growing your practice and advancing the chiropractic profession!
Opportunities and Applications for Cost Segregation
Dr. Ray Foxworth, ChiroHealthUSA
Are you using cost segregation, an IRS approved strategy, to reduce the amount of taxes you owe? Cost segregation identifies and reclassifies personal property assets to shorten the depreciation time for taxation purposes, which reduces current income tax obligations. Personal property assets include a building's non-structural elements and exterior land improvements costs. I became aware of this through my CPA when he connected me to an expert named Charles Waterloo.
My first thought was, "Is it worth it?" I learned from Charles that the benefit of a Cost Segregation Study is that it can shorten the life of assets under accelerated depreciation methods. When a commercial property is placed into service, the general depreciation method would be over 39.5 years utilizing the straight-line method. (NMS Certified Public Accountants, 2019) However, there are other options.
Cost Segregation is a process of taking the building and breaking down the individual components of the building into four categories, which are: (1) personal property, (2) land improvements, (3) building, and (4) land. The components that qualify as personal property and land improvements qualify for shorter useful lives under accelerated depreciation methods. For instance, it doesn’t make sense to depreciate furniture over 39.5 years. You’ll likely replace it more often than that, even if you own the building for that long. Tangible personal property generally falls under five and seven-year useful life, while land improvements are classified under a 15-year property. (Sobel Co, n.d.)
A cost segregation study involves someone visiting your building where they’ll walk the property and take measurement and photos. After the visit, cost breakdowns are calculated. On average, this process can yield tax savings of anywhere from $20,000 – $100,000 over a five-year period.
Various factors help determine whether a cost segregation study will be beneficial for a particular business owner. Some of these determining factors include:
- How much did it cost? The higher the initial cost, the greater potential for tax benefits.
- What type of business is it? Some industries, such as restaurants, have special rules for even shorter depreciation.
- How long will you own the property? If you anticipate selling the property in the near future, there may be less benefit.
- What's your tax rate? The higher the tax rate, the greater the tax savings. (Pruske, 2017)
Nutrient Strategies for Osteoporosis
Greg Peterson, Nutri-Dyn
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis. It is a joint disease caused by the breakdown of cartilage – the firm, rubbery tissue that cushions bones at joints.
Healthy cartilage allows bones to glide over one another and cartilage absorbs energy from the shock of physical movement. In OA cartilage breaks down and wears away. As a result, the bones rub together causing pain, swelling, and stiffness.
OA may also limit the range of motion in affected joints. Most often, OA develops in the hands, knees, hips, and spine.
The disease affects men and women nearly equally. More than 20 million people in the United States have OA. Symptoms tend to appear when individuals are in their fifties and sixties.
Signs and symptoms of OA may include the following:
- Joint pain (often a deep, aching pain) that is worsened by movement and improved with rest (in severe cases, a person may experience constant pain)
- Stiffness in the morning or after being inactive for more than 15 minutes
- Joint swelling
- Joints that are warm to the touch
- Crunching or crackling noise when the joint moves (crepitation)
- Limited range of motion
- Muscle weakness
- Abnormal growth of bony knobs near joints which cause deformities (such as Heberden's nodes, in which bumps appear on the outermost finger joints)
Most of the time, the cause of OA is unknown. It is primarily a disease due to aging. However, metabolic, genetic, chemical, nutritional and mechanical factors can play a role in its development.
Risk factors for OA include:
- Increasing age
- Genetic predisposition
- Obesity
- Injury to the joint
- History of inflammatory joint disease
- Metabolic or hormonal disorders (such as hemochromatosis and acromegaly)
- Bone and joint disorders present at birth
- Repetitive stressful joint use (such as with certain occupations like baseball, ballet dancing and construction work)
- Deposits of crystals in joints
There is no single test to diagnose OA, so most doctors use a combination of methods to diagnose the disease and rule out the possibility other causes. A physical exam can show limited range of motion, grating of a joint with motion, joint swelling, and tenderness. An x-ray of affected joints will show loss of the joint space and, in advanced cases, wearing down of the ends of the bone and bone spurs.
Preventive Care
The following measures may reduce the risk of developing OA:
- Protecting an injured joint from further damage
- Exercising
- Losing weight
- Avoiding excessive repetitive motions
- Providing proper nutritional support
Treatment Approach
The goals of treatment are to relieve pain, maintain or improve joint mobility, increase the strength of the joints, and minimize the disabling affects of the disease. The specific treatment depends upon the affected joints. A combination of conventional treatment and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) may be most effective. Lifestyle approaches, including exercise, and many alternative medical therapies are becoming more popular and are considered safe and effective for the treatment OA.
Several natural remedies are at least as effective as conventional medication for symptom relief, and may help keep the disease from getting worse. Americans spend more on natural remedies for OA than for any other medical condition. In 1997, researchers conducted various surveys and found that anywhere from 26 -100% of patients with painful conditions of the muscles, tendons, joints, and bones had tried some form of complementary and alternative medicine.
Some of the most promising complementary approaches for treating OA include;
- Reducing physical stress on the joint (lose weight and improve posture)
- Lifestyle changes (particularly exercise)
- Supplements including S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, Green Lipped Mussel, Type II Collagen complex, and antioxidants
- Herbs with anti-inflammatory properties, including ginger, turmeric boswellia, black pepper, devil's claw, white willow bark, and capsaicin (cream)
- Acupuncture
- Chiropractic
- Physical therapy and magnet therapy
- Yoga
- Tai chi
Nutritional Support Considerations in Osteoarthritis / Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD) / Joint Pain:
Everyday Essentials Active – 1 packet daily with food.
- Support healthy immune function and overall well-being
- Promote healthy oxidative stress response
- Promote energy production and vitality
- Support cardiovascular function
- Support musculoskeletal health
- Support joint, cartilage, tendon, and ligament health and function
Everyday Essentials Active provides comprehensive nutritional support for active individuals in supporting the maintenance of healthy joints and mobility. Each bottle of Everyday Essentials Active contains 30 packets of high quality broad coverage supplements including Essential Multi, Omega Pure EPA-DHA 500, Chondro-Relief® Plus, and Herbal Eze. This comprehensive formula features bioavailable, patented ingredients essential for supporting healthy connective tissue, healthy joints and mobility. Everyday Essentials Active is formulated to support the unique nutritional requirements of active lifestyles.
Clinical research has demonstrated the efficacy of Everyday Essentials Active to:
Chondro Jointaide – 2 packets daily.
- Supports total joint and soft tissue health
- Helps regulate synovial fluid concentrations in articulations
- Support cartilage, tendons and ligaments
- Help reduce pain associated with minor joint and muscle aches
Chondro Jointaide contains a complete spectrum of research-backed joint and soft tissue supporting ingredients. Such ingredients include glucosamine, chondroitin, methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), and hyaluronic acid, all of which work in concert to support cartilage integrity, and mediate oxidative stress in joints.7
Moreover, Chondro Jointaide also provides crucial micronutrients and patented herbal extracts that support total joint and soft tissue health, including: vitamin C, manganese, green lipped mussel (Perna canaliculus) powder, curucimonoids, boswellic acids, gingerols, and shogaols.
Benefits and quality differences of Chondro Jointaide include:
A randomized controlled clinical trial has "provided support for the suggestion raised in the 2008 Glucosamine/Chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial (GAIT) that glucosamine plus chondroitin sulfate might provide clinically significant pain relief for patients with moderate to severe knee osteoarthritis (OA) pain.” - Ann Rheum Dis. Published online January 14, 2015
An industry-supported study of more than 600 adults in five countries showed that compared with placebo, a daily dose of pharmaceutical-grade chondroitin improved pain and function as much as the NSAID celecoxib. At the 1-month mark, celecoxib improved symptoms the most, but by 6 months both were similarly effective. - Pharmaceutical-grade chondroitin sulfate is as effective as celecoxib and superior to placebo in symptomatic knee osteoarthritis: the ChONdroitin versus CElecoxib versus Placebo Trial (CONCEPT)
Regular use of glucosamine, chondroitin, or fish oil supplements reduces high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) by 16% to 22%, a marker of inflammation, according to a study published online November 8, 2012, in Am J Epidemiol.
A number of studies have found that fish oil helps reduce symptoms of arthritis, including joint pain and morning stiffness. One study suggests that people with arthritis who take fish oil may be able to lower their dose of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Berbert AA, Kondo CR, Almendra CL et al. Supplementation of fish oil and olive oil in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Nutrition. 2005;21:131-6.
D3 5000 with K2 – 1-2 softgels daily. (higher dose, if documented by the serum vitamin D test)
According to a 2012 study published in Arthritis Rheum., low levels of vitamin D increases the risk for osteoarthritis pain. - D3 5000 with K2 features 5000 IU of vitamin D3—the most bioavailable form of vitamin D.
Severe Osteoarthritis / Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD) / Joint Pain:
Add to above protocol:
Dynamic Multi Collagen Renew – 1 scoop daily mixed with any liquid (juice, shake, bullet-proof coffee, etc.)
- TENDOFORTE® - This remarkable blend of Bioactive Collagen Peptides® has a significant, scientifically documented impact on healing tendons and ligaments, increasing elasticity to reduce risk of injury (increases elastin by 50%), and increasing the fibroblasts ability to produce 2 fold more tissue matrix.
- FORTIGEL® - A remarkable blend of specific Bioactive Collagen Peptides® for cartilage support. Research has shown a significant regeneration in cartilage after 3 months. Tufts Medical Center, in conjunction with Harvard, studied the FORTIGEL® in early knee osteoarthritis, with MRI’s showing significant increase in proteoglycan density. Another study done at the University of Freiburg, Germany showed after only 3 weeks, a statistically significant improvement in pain, stiffness and physical function could be observed, and this positive effect persisted and was even more pronounced after 6 and 12 weeks of treatment.
- VERISOL® - This amazing and heavily researched specific Bioactive Collagen Peptides® are incredibly effective for skin, hair, nails, and reduction of cellulite. A study on 69 women (ages 35-55) showed a 15% increase in skin elasticity after just 4 weeks. VERISOL® also produced a significant reduction in wrinkling, and a 60% increase in procollagen concentration of the skin. This same collagen peptide, VERISOL®, restored the normal structure of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue in a study of 105 women (25-50 year olds) reducing the waviness of the skin (cellulite) after 3 months of supplementation and continuing to improve after 6 months of supplementation. VERISOL® also promoted nail health, after 2 months of supplementation, reaching a decrease of cracked/chipped nails 42% after 6 months.
- FORTIBONE® - The specific Bioactive Collagen Peptides® of FORTIBONE® support healthy bone mass, specifically promoting bone mineral density in postmenopausal women, according to the research, by reducing osteoclastic activity and supporting osteoblastic activity. One study of 180 women with reduced bone mass were given the amount of the Fortibone found in one scoop of our Dynamic Multi Collagen Renew for 12 months. Bone mass was checked before and after with DXA scans, and the results were a pronounced increase in bone mineral density in all women with either osteopenia or osteoporosis.
- Alves RD, et al. J Proteome Res. 2011;10:4725-4733.
- König D, et al. Nutrients. 2018;10(1).
Dynamic Multi Collagen Renew contains FORTIGEL®, FORTIBONE®, TENDOFORTE®, and VERISOL®—specific Bioactive Collagen Peptides® optimized to stimulate collagen metabolism. These collagen peptides help promote vibrant skin and nails while also supporting healthy joints, bones, ligaments, and tendons.
Collagen is a major component of the human body. About 30% of our total body protein is collagen. Collagen is crucial for mobile joints, stable bones, healthy muscles, strong ligaments and tendons, smooth skin, glossy hair and healthy finger nails. It is one of the primary structural proteins of connective tissues and also abundant in blood vessels, intervertebral discs, the blood-brain barrier, the cornea, dentin and the intestinal wall – a vital component of our whole body.
Collagen peptides are short chain protein building blocks produced by hydrolysis of native collagen. The bioactive collagen peptides found in Dynamic Multi Collagen Renew are a composition of different specific peptides optimized for specific physiological benefits. Each peptide differs in physiological functionality, and they are optimized to maximize stimulation of the human cell types involved in collagen biosynthesis.
Here are the "bioactive collagen peptides" found in Dynamic Multi Collagen Renew:
Collagen is essential for bone health. Bone is comprised of mineral crystals held in an organic collagen matrix. Fortibone stimulates synthesis of bone collagen matrix and promotes healthy osteoclast activity. The specific collagen peptides in Fortibone have a signaling effect on osteoblasts that support healthy extracellular bone matrix activity. This results in a higher synthesis of collagenous bone matrix.
Clinical studies on Fortibone show its ability to promote bone health, specifically promoting bone mineral density in postmenopausal women in a single-center, prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded study. Over 12 months, 180 women with reduced bone mass took 5g of Fortibone or placebo. Changes in bone mineral density (BMD) were detected by DXA scans. Fortibone consumption showed a pronounced increase in BMD after Fortibone supplementation in postmenopausal women.
Inflam-Eze Plus — 2 capsules twice daily with food.
Inflam-Eze Plus is an herbal formula to support healthy inflammatory markers in the body. Drawing upon the traditions of Ayurvedic practices, the Inflam-Eze Plus formula contains ginger, turmeric, fenugreek, Boswellia serrata and black pepper, all known for their ability to support healthy inflammatory markers in the body.
Inflam-Eze Plus contains xanthohumol for its potent capabilities to support healthy inflammatory markers in the body. Studies show it has numerous nutraceutical benefits and is much more potent than other modified derivative forms from the hops plant such as THIAA and RIAA.
Centuries of use in Ayurvedic practices and modern clinical research show their powerful properties in promoting overall health and well-being. The ingredients in Inflam-Eze Plus are dosed in a manner that is congruous with what research suggests to be effective and safe, particularly for supporting healthy inflammatory markers in the body.
PRM Resolve — 2 softgels twice daily.
PRM Resolve is a proprietary formula providing pro-resolving lipid mediators (PRMs), which help encourage “specialized pro-resolving mediator” (SPM) production in the body. SPMs are unique molecules that evoke novel pro-resolving mechanisms and play extensive roles in host defense, tissue remodeling, and organ support.*
SPM production is affected by several factors, particularly nutrition, health status, genetics, and lifestyle choices. Lack of SPM production may hinder the body’s ability to effectively resolve an immune response, thereby impacting health and well-being.
The body’s need for SPMs may vary due to variables such as chronic stress, excessive exposure to environmental contaminants, aging processes, unhealthy diet choices (such as excess intake of sugar and low intake of essential fatty acids), sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise (or being overly active).
The healthiest approach is to “resolve” the inflammatory process through the “Specialized Pro-resolving Mediators / SPMs” (Lipoxins, Resolvins, Protectins & Maresins), derived from the precursor substances 17-HDHA and 18-HEPE from Omega-3 Fatty Acids.
Thus, an important key to controlling/resolving inflammation and subsequently preventing chronic inflammatory conditions lies in PRMs and their pro-resolving properties that switch an inflammatory response toward resolution and homeostasis. That SPMs are enzymatically produced from long-chain PUFA (especially EPA and DHA) in tissue exudates indicates the indispensable role of nutrition in regulating inflammation and promoting resolution.Additional Considerations
Thin, Flexible Shoes Reduce Stress on OA Knees according to a study in Arthritis Rheum., Published online April 10, 2013. "Shoes that mimic walking barefoot may reduce mechanical stress and help protect the knees of patients with osteoarthritis (OA). OA patients who wore the "mobility shoe" for at least 6 hours per day for up to 6 months had improved gait and reduced knee loading. The lightweight, flat, flexible shoes do not have to be customized for each patient. They have grooves at major flexion points to allow for natural, "barefoot-like" movement."
Dietary Suggestions
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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In this Issue
MCA Staff Updates
How to Boost Visibility for Your Clinic in 2021
Opportunities and Applications for Cost Segregation
Nutrient Strategies for Osteoporosis
Quick Links
Membership Brochure
Legislative Information
Clinical Compass / The Evidence Center
MCA Scholarship Donation
Upcoming Events
March 4
What the Practicing Chiropractor Needs to Know about Osteoporosis
March 6 & 13
MCA Risk Management Webinar Series
March 24
Virtual Chiropractic Education Event- Hosted by CDI and the MCA