What is MCPAC?
The Minnesota Chiropractic Political Action Committee (MCPAC) has been established to advance the advocacy and legislative agenda of the chiropractic profession. Donor participation encourages taking an active role in government policy as it relates to issues affecting the chiropractic profession and patients, while providing an opportunity to educate elected officials about issues affecting the important work we do.
Why should I give?
Because relationships matter! Every year Minnesota’s elected officials consider and pass countless pieces of legislation that directly and indirectly affect the profession of chiropractic. From the provider tax to no-fault auto, to securing MA coverage for services, this legislature, and the one elected in November, will make decisions that impact your ability to provide care for your patients.
Because elections matter! As a group, you can have impact by helping to elect chiropractic-friendly candidates at the state level. A PAC allows a community of like-minded individuals to amplify their voice – individually, doctors may not have the time and resources to affect candidate elections.
Who can give? How much can I give?
Anyone who cares about the chiropractic profession can give to MCPAC, and there is no maximum to what you can contribute. However, contributions are not tax deductible and corporate contributions are not allowed. Donations must come from personal (not business) accounts in accordance with state law.